Sono stato approvato ieri dopo 3 settimane, in genere lo fanno sempre per circa 2-3 settimane, ma vogliono che tu li faccia pressione nella chat ogni giorno, i reclami qui non sono stati d'aiuto, non disturbarti con loro, interferiscono solo quando comunichiamo qui nel forum, comunque dopo così tanti reclami e non danno la valutazione per questo particolare casinò
I was approved yesterday after 3 weeks, generally they always do that for about 2-3 weeks, but they want you to pressure them in the chat every day, the complaints here didn't help, don't bother with them, only interfere when we communicate here in the forum, anyway after so many complaints and they don't give the rating for this particular casino
Εμενα εγκριθηκαν χθες μετα απο 3 βδομαδες ,γενικα παντα τοσο κανουν περιπου 2-3 βδομαδες,θελει ομως να τους πιεζεις στο τσατ καθε μερα,τα παραπονα εδω δεν βοηθανε,μην ασχολειστε με αυτους,μονο αναμεταξυ οταν συννενοουμαστε εδω στο φορουμ, ετσι κι αλλιως μετα απο τοσες καταγγελιες και δεν ριχνουν την βαθμολογια για το συγκεκριμενο καζινο