Perché dovrei aspettare 14 giorni? La politica aziendale è che i prelievi vengano completati entro 3 giorni lavorativi. Ne sono già trascorsi 12.
E in tutte le comunicazioni che ho avuto con loro, mi hanno dato risposte standard, ovvero che il prelievo è sicuro e verrà elaborato a breve, e in un reclamo ufficiale che ho presentato via e-mail, la stessa cosa si è verificata di nuovo.
Si prega di continuare la procedura poiché è già trascorso molto tempo.
Why should I wait 14 days? The company's policy is that withdrawals are completed within 3 business days. 12 have already passed.
And in all the communications I had with them, they gave me standard answers that the withdrawal is safe and will be processed soon, and in an official complaint I made via email, the same thing happened again.
Please continue the process as a lot of time has already passed.
Για ποιο λόγο να περιμένω 14 ημέρες η πολιτική της εταιρίας είναι ότι οι αναλήψεις ολοκληρώνονται εντός 3 εργάσιμων ημερών έχουν περάσει ήδη 12
Και σε όσες επικοινωνίες είχα μαζί τους μου δίνουν τυποποιημένες απαντήσεις ότι η ανάληψη είναι ασφαλής και σύντομα θα διαικπερεωθει και σε επίσημη καταγγελία που έκανα μέσω email πάλι το ίδιο.
Παρακαλώ όπως συνεχίστε τη διαδικασία καθώς ήδη έχει περάσει μεγαλο διάστημα
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