Solo 20 giorni fa, il mio precedente reclamo con Infinity Casino è stato risolto. Il motivo per cui è stato risolto è dovuto al notevole aiuto che ho ricevuto dalla tua pagina, e ti ringrazio ancora una volta. Attualmente ho un saldo elevato dalle mie vincite, oltre 6000. Finora, ho richiesto 5 prelievi. Tre di questi sono stati approvati, ma i soldi non sono apparsi sul mio account per diversi giorni.
Il responsabile VIP ha confermato che 1500 euro sono stati approvati e inviati dal casinò, ma ancora una volta attribuisce il problema al mio fornitore bancario. Ho parlato con il mio fornitore e non è stato effettuato alcun trasferimento.
Nel mio reclamo precedente, il casinò ha nuovamente incolpato il mio fornitore bancario per il problema, dicendo che i prelievi non andavano a buon fine, solo per ammettere alla fine che il problema era del loro stesso fornitore!
Tramite la vostra pagina hanno richiesto una seconda verifica del mio account (nonostante fosse già stato verificato in precedenza).
Dopo la nuova verifica, qualche giorno dopo, mi hanno pagato.
Sfortunatamente, ora sto affrontando di nuovo gli stessi problemi. Non mi pagano!
Just 20 days ago, my previous complaint with Infinity Casino was resolved. The reason it was resolved was due to the significant help I received from your page, and I thank you once again. I currently have a large balance from my winnings, over 6000. So far, I've requested 5 withdrawals. Three of them were approved, but the money hasn't appeared in my account for several days.
The VIP manager confirmed that 1500 euros have been approved and sent by the casino, yet he is once again attributing the issue to my bank provider. I spoke with my provider, and no transfer has been made.
In my previous complaint, the casino again blamed my bank provider for the issue, saying withdrawals weren't going through, only to eventually admit that the problem was with their own provider!
Through your page, they requested a second verification of my account (despite it having been verified before).
After the new verification, a few days later, they paid me.
Unfortunately, now I'm facing the same issues again. They are not paying me!
Μόλις πριν 20 μέρες επιλύθηκε το προηγούμενο μου παράπονο με το infinity casino . Ο λόγος που επιλύθηκε ήταν γιατί είχα μεγάλη βοήθεια από την σελίδα σας και σας ευχαριστώ ακόμα μια φορά. Έχω ενα μεγάλο υπόλοιπο από κέρδη αυτή την στιγμή. Πέραν των 6000. Ζήτησα μέχρι τώρα 5 αναλήψεις. Οι τρεις εγκρίθηκαν, όμως εδώ και αρκετές μέρες δεν μπήκαν χρήματα στον λογαριασμό μου.
Ο vip manager επιβεβαίωσε ότι εγκρίθηκαν μέχρι στιγμής 1500 ευρώ και τα χρήματα στάλθηκαν από το καζίνο, όμως ρίχνει την ευθύνη στον τραπεζικό μου πάροχο για ακόμη μια φορά. Μίλησα με τον πάροχο μου και δεν έγινε κανένα έμβασμα.
Στο προηγούμενο μου παράπονο που έκανα κοντά σάς πάλι τον τραπεζικό μου πάροχο επικαλέστηκε το καζίνο ως πρόβλημα και δεν ολοκληρώνονταν οι αναλήψεις και τελικά παραδέχτηκε ότι το πρόβλημα ήταν στον δικό τους πάροχο !
Μέσω τις σελίδας σας ζήτησαν από εμένα επαλήθευση για δεύτερη φορά του λογαριασμού (είχε είδη επαλήθευση στο παρελθόν ο λογαριασμός).
Αφού έγινε νέα επαλήθευση μετά από λίγες μέρες με πλήρωσαν.
Δυστυχώς τώρα πάλι τα ίδια προβλήματα. Δεν με πληρώνουν !
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