La stessa cosa per me, bugie dal 16/03/2024 richiesta di prelievo e ancora niente, ho chiesto loro il motivo per cui non ritardiamo tutti i sub-check un po' di pazienza, non solo ho chiesto se è necessaria la verifica kyc no non serve mi hanno detto, il tuo prelievo arriverà presto..
Ora mi chiedono l'identificazione KYC, sono truffatori, chiedete a tutti di recuperare i depositi dalle vostre banche, è una frode evidente, non prendiamo i nostri soldi ma la legge deve procedere con loro.
The same thing to me, lies from 16/03/2024 withdrawal request and still nothing, I asked them the reason why we don't delay all sub-check a little patience, not only that I asked if kyc verification is needed no it is not needed they told me, your withdrawal will arrive soon..
Now they are asking me for kyc identification they are fraudsters, Ask everyone Reclaim the deposits from your banks it is a clear fraud let's not take our money but the law must proceed with them.
Το ίδιο πράγμα και σε εμένα , ψέματα από 16/03/2024 αίτηση ανάληψης και ακόμα τίποτα, τους ζήτησα το λόγω γιατί δεν καθυστερουμε όλο υπολεγχο λίγη υπομονή, όχι μόνο αυτό ζήτησα μήπως χρειάζεται επαλήθευση kyc όχι δεν χρειάζεται μου είπαν , η ανάληψη σου θα φτάσει σύντομα..
Τώρα μου ζητάνε kyc ταυτοποίηση αυτοί είναι απατεώνες, Ζητήσετε όλοι Reclaim τις καταθέσεις από τις τράπεζες σας είναι ξεκάθαρο απάτη ας μην πάρουμε τα λεφτά μας αλλά πρέπει να προχωρήσει ο νόμος μαζί τους.
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